JINGdigital and IT Consultis have partnered again to introduce you to another pillar of the WeChat Work whitepaper series called “WeChat Work Strategies for Retail Digital Transformation”, which focuses on retail selling and provides strategies for brands to create a truly seamless retail experience.
WeChat Work aims to become a transformational tool for business, in areas of business communication and internal office digitalization. Moreover, with three strategies serving in acquisition & connection, clienteling and social selling, it empowers salespeople in an unprecedented way.
If you’re interested in WeChat Work Strategies for Retail Selling but haven’t found a way, this whitepaper is just for you!
In this whitepaper, you’ll learn the whole journey of using WeChat Work in retail selling, including:
- The related functions provided by the app
- Three strategies to fully utilize the tool
- Recommended steps to build up your own WeChat Work ecosystem